The leading role in the structure of the issue of payment cards of TAS Link customers is played by Mastercard. The share of the payment system even increased from 56% in January to 79% in December. The change in the number and structure of payment cards in 2024 first of all is due to two factors: a significant increase in the issue of NovaPay and the exit of Sportbank from the market
The average monthly growth rate of the number of transactions of TAS Link’s issuers was +2% with pronounced peaks in February and December (+16% and +10% respectively)
The average check for all types of transactions by issued cards of TAS Link customers increased from 1096 in January to 1250 UAH in December 2024. The average monthly growth rate of the average check was +1% (+14% at the end of 2024)
In 2024 the driver of growth in the total number of transactions processed by TAS Link was acquiring, including POS and E-commerce. The average monthly transaction growth rate reached +5%. A significant increase in the number of acquiring transactions is traditionally observed in December
The average check for all types of acquiring operations of TAS Link customers increased from 883 UAH in January to 1041 UAH in December 2024. The average monthly growth rate of the average check for all types of acquiring transactions of TAS Link customers was +2% (+18% at the end of 2024)
In 2024 the number of POS terminals connected to TAS Link had an average monthly growth of +6%, which is equivalent to +93% growth for the whole year. Thus, this figure increased from 8.6 thous. from the beginning of the year to 16.5 thous. in December. The driver of the growth in the number of POS terminals was NovaPay, significantly increasing the network of its own terminals
The average monthly growth rate in the number of transactions was +10% with peaks in February, March, July and December (significantly higher than 10% in these months)
The average check for purchases in POS increased from 765 UAH in January to 1434 UAH in December 2024. The average monthly growth rate of the average check was +6% (+87% at the end of 2024)
The average monthly growth rate of E-commerce transactions (purchases and P2P) was +3% with the traditional peak in December
The average check for all types of transactions in E-commerce decreased from 883 UAH in January to 773 UAH in December 2024. The average monthly growth rate of the average check was -1% (-12% at the end of 2024)
The number of e-commerce purchase transactions grew by an average of +6% from month to month, also with a traditionally large peak in December (+32%)
The average check for purchases in E-commerce increased from 289 UAH in January to 385 UAH in December 2024. The average monthly growth rate of the average check was +3% (+33% at the end of 2024)
At the same time the number of P2P transactions had a negative trend (-1% per month on average)
The average check for P2P transactions increased from 1718 UAH in January to 1919 UAH in December 2024. The average monthly growth rate of the average check was +1% (+12% at the end of 2024)
Detailing P2P transactions (on C2C, A2C, C2A), it is necessary to note a decrease in the number of C2C transactions (on average by -2% per month)
Similarly with C2C, the number of C2A transactions also had a negative growth rate and amounted to -2%
A2C transactions are no exception and also declined in 2024 by an average of -1% monthly
The share of wallets when paying in E-commerce is growing steadily (from 35% at the beginning to 47% at the end of 2024). At the same time, the driver is Apple Pay (growth for 2024 from 26% to 35%). Google Pay usage increased from 9% to 12%
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