
During February the number of valid cards almost did not change (+0.6%). Mastercard continued to play a leading role in the structure of payment systems (55.4% vs 44.5% for VISA and 0.1% for PROSTIR). However, it is necessary to note some redistribution: VISA +0.3%, Mastercard -0.3%.
Compared to January the number of transactions in February increased by 16%, including due to us-on-them transactions (+19%) while the average check increased by 14% in the same period. The increase in the amount of us-on-them transactions was indicative in February: +35%.
The number of POS terminals and ATMs in February also remained almost unchanged (both +1%).
The number of transactions in general: +6%, primarily due to sales at the POS (+23%). We observe a similar situation in transaction amounts +9% in general and +23% in POS terminals. In terms of transaction amounts all types except ATM cash withdrawals (-2%) showed P2P growth +6%, purchases in e-commerce +2%. We recorded the largest increase in the average check in February in e-commerce purchases +6%.
Total number of transactions: almost unchanged (+1%). Although the redistribution of growth rates between types of transactions is indicative: C2C +7% vs C2A -6%.
In the structure of payment methods we note a gradual decrease in the share of local card-on-files and manual card management: 65.1% (-0.4% in February) against the share of electronic wallets: 26.3% in Apple Pay (+0.5% in February) and 8.6% in G-Pay. We recorded the best increase in the number of transactions in February in Apple Pay: +3%.
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