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In June there were significant changes in the structure of the payment cards issue. It is connected with the absorption of the issue of Sportbank by Taskombank and the optimization of its number. In the structure of payment systems Mastercard continues to play a leading role with 68.2% (+11.8% in June) vs 31.6% for VISA (-11.8% in June) and 0.1% for PROSTIR.

During May the number of issued payment card transactions decreased by -7%.


In June the growth rate of the acquiring network slowed down (+1%). Since the beginning of the year the number of POS terminals of TAS Link customers has increased by +50%.

The number of acquiring transactions in May compared to April increased by +1%. The decrease in the number of P2P transactions (-4%) and online purchases (-2%) was compensated by the growth of POS purchases (+8%).


In the E-com segment we also observe a slowdown in the dynamics of the number of transactions: -2% in June. Seasonal decline was demonstrated by all segments of online transactions.

In the structure of payment methods we continue to note a gradual decrease in the share of local card-on-files and manual card management: 58.5% (-2.1% in June) against the share of electronic wallets: 30.4% in Apple Pay (+1.2 %) and 11.1% in G-Pay (+0.9%).

Full version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jKhD_JnczwVzKtHUw0kfo1cEikdESNMA/view?usp=share_link